
10 Top Gardening Tips for Beginners

1.This is the Right Site.

Starting a garden is much like real estate—it’s all about location, location, location. Keep your garden in a spot where you’ll see it regularly (outside of sight, out of mind definitely applies when it comes to gardening). This way, you’ll be more likely to spend time in it.

2.Follow the Sun.

Misjudging sunlight is a common problem when you’re learning to garden for the first time. Pay attention to where the sunlight falls in your garden before you pick a spot for planting. Most edible plants, herbs, and fruits need at least 6 hours of sunlight for optimal growth.

3.Stay Close to Water.

One of the best gardening tips you’ll ever find is to locate your new garden plan close to a water source. Make sure you can reach it with a hose, so you won’t have to lug water to it every time your plants get thirsty. The best way to determine if your plants need watering is to stick your finger into the soil about an inch down (it’s about a knuckle deep). If it’s dry, then it’s time to water.

4.Start with Great Soil.

When starting a garden, one of the top tips is to invest in soil that’s nutrient-rich and well-draining. If you plan to plant in the ground, mix 3 inches of Miracle-Gro® All Purpose Garden Soil into the top 6 to 8 inches of existing soil for the right mix. If you’re planting in a raised bed, use Miracle-Gro® Raised Bed Soil, which is formulated for increased bed weight and structure.

5.Consider Containers.

When space is premium, go for containers. You can grow a variety of plants in pots, including vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruit bushes, and even shrubs. When gardening in containers, use a pot that’s big enough for the plant it’s hosting and fill it with Miracle-Gro® Moisture Control® Potting Mix. It’s not just specially formulated to help plants thrive in containers, but also helps protect against over and under watering.

6.Choose the Right Plants.

Selecting plants that align with your current conditions is crucial. That means establishing sun-loving plants in a sunny spot, choosing heat-tolerant plants for warm climates, and giving vining plants like squash and cucumbers adequate space to sprawl (or providing a trellis for climbing). Do your homework and choose varieties that will thrive where you live. And when it comes to growing veggies and herbs successfully, skip the guesswork and start with robust young plants from Bonnie Plants® rather than attempting to sprout from seed.

7.Discover Your Zone.

Knowing your “hardiness zone” can help you choose the best plants. In simple terms, it describes the coolest average winter temperature that a location experiences. The higher the zone number, the warmer the climate. So, if a plant is “hardy to Zone 4,” and you garden in Zone 5, then that plant will likely thrive in your area. However, if you’re in Zone 3, that same plant might struggle to survive the cold. Find your hardiness zone.

8.Know Your Frost Dates.

Planting too early (or too late) in the season can spell disaster for your garden. You’ll need to know the last average frost date for your area so you don’t accidentally set out plants prematurely and risk killing them. Keep track of your first and last frost dates for your area.

9.Add Mulch.

Apply a layer of mulch about 2 to 3 inches deep around each plant. It’ll help reduce evaporation by shading the soil, which means you’ll need to water less. For a polished look, keep mulch at a single level below the lip of the pot. Alternatively, you can use compost, shredded leaves, pine straw, or locally available materials.

10.Feed Your Plants Regularly.

We’ve already talked about the importance of starting with great soil, but that same soil paired with high-quality plant food on a regular basis is the ultimate combination for garden success! So, one month after planting, start feeding your garden with Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food according to label directions.

A Final Word of Advice: Stock up on your essential supplies to make it easy to grow. Get all the details in our Tools article for gardening. Happy growing!

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